- M.W. Reinsch, B. Austin, J.N. Corlett, L.R. Doolittle, G. Penn, D. Prosnitz, J. Qiang, A. Sessler, M. Venturini, J.S. Wurtele
LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
Designing an FEL from scratch requires the design team to balance multiple science needs, FEL and accelerator physics constraints and engineering limitations. STAFF (System Trade Analysis for an FEL Facility) enables the user to rapidly explore a large range of Linac and FEL design options. The model utilzes analytical models such as the Ming Xie formulas when appropriate and look-up tables when necessary to maintain speed, flexibility and extensiblity. STAFF allows for physics models for FEL harmonics, wake fields, cavity higher-order modes and aspects of linac particle dynamics. The code will permit the user to study error tolerances and multiple beamlines so as to explore the full capabilities of an entire user facility. This makes it possible to optimize the integrated system in terms of performance metrics such as photons/pulse, photons/sec and tunability range while ensuring that unrealistic requirements are not put on either the electron beam quality, undulator field/gap requirements or other system elements. This paper will describe preliminary results from STAFF as applied to a CW FEL soft X-ray facility.