Author: Asakawa, M.R.
Paper Title Page
MOPB05 Smith-Purcell Radiation with Negative-index Material 20
  • D. Li, K. Imasaki
    ILT, Suita, Osaka, Japan
  • M.R. Asakawa
    Kansai University, Osaka, Japan
  • M. Hangyo, K. Takano
    ILE Osaka, Suita, Japan
  • S. Miyamoto
    LASTI, Hyogo, Japan
  • Y. Tsunawaki
    OSU, Daito, Osaka, Japan
  • Z. Yang
    UESTC, Chengdu, Sichuan, People's Republic of China
  Smith-Purcell radiation from an electric line charge that moves, at constant speed, parallel to a grating made of metamaterial with negative index is analyzed. Through theoretical analysis and computations, we show that the Smith-Purcell radiation is stronger from a grating of negative-index material, than positive-index material and perfect conductor. Also, we found the radiation strongly depends on the values of permeability and permittivity.  
MOPB06 Smith-Purcell Free Electron Laser with Bragg Reflector 24
  • D. Li, K. Imasaki
    ILT, Suita, Osaka, Japan
  • M.R. Asakawa
    Kansai University, Osaka, Japan
  • M. Hangyo
    ILE Osaka, Suita, Japan
  • S. Miyamoto
    LASTI, Hyogo, Japan
  • Y. Tsunawaki
    OSU, Daito, Osaka, Japan
  • Z. Yang
    UESTC, Chengdu, Sichuan, People's Republic of China
  Grating with Bragg reflectors for the Smith-Purcell free-electron laser is proposed to improve the reflection coefficient, resulting in enhancing the interaction of the surface wave with the electron beam and, consequently, relax the requirements to the electron beam. With the help of particle-in-cell simulations, it has been shown that, the usage of Bragg reflectors may improve the growth rate, shorten the time for the device to reach saturation and lower the start current for the operation of a Smith-Purcell free-electron laser.