Author: Adolphsen, C.
Paper Title Page
WEPA16 Quasi-cw Normal Conducting Linac for Soft XFEL 359
  • F. Wang, C. Adolphsen
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  The CW operating soft XFELs have been proposed worldwide to serve large user community simultaneous. In principle, the superconducting linac technology is the only solution to realize such a cw light source. However, large amount of R&D efforts are still needed to build such a linac, which could delay such facility for a significant long period. Therefore, it will be very important to explore the other technology based such XFEL, like the normal conducting based quasi-cw (10s kHz) linac. With the initial study, it turns out that such a quasi-cw linac could be built with L-band (1.3 GHz) or X-band (11.4 GHz) technology. And the L-band devices for such a linac have been developed in the frame work of ILC.