Author: Matsumoto, T.
Paper Title Page
WEIDLH2066 Performance of the Digital LLRF Systems at KEK cERL 84
  • F. Qiu, D.A. Arakawa, Y. Honda, H. Katagiri, T. Matsumoto, S. Michizono, T. Miura, T. Obina, H. Sakai
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • S.B. Wibowo
    Sokendai, Ibaraki, Japan
  A compact energy recovery linac (cERL), which is a test machine for the next generation synchrotron light source 3-GeV ERL, was constructed at KEK. In the cERL, a normal conducting (NC) buncher cavity and three superconducting (SC) two-cell cavities were installed for the injector, and two nine-cell SC cavities were installed for the main linac (ML). The radio-frequency (RF) fluctuations for each cavity are required to be maintained at less than 0.1% rms in amplitude and 0.1° in phase. These requirements are fulfilled by applying digital low-level radio-frequency (LLRF) systems. During the beam-commissioning, the LLRF systems were evaluated and validated. A measured beam momentum jitter of 0.006% shows that the target of the LLRF systems is achieved. To further improve the system performance, an adaptive feedforward (FF) control-based approach was proposed and demonstrated in the beam-commissioning. The current status of LLRF system and the adaptive FF approach for LLRF control in the cERL are presented in this paper.  
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