Author: Lu, P.N.
Paper Title Page
TUIDLH1038 First Beam Characterization of SRF Gun II with a Copper Photocathode 42
  • J. Teichert, A. Arnold, P.N. Lu, P. Michel, P. Murcek, H. Vennekate, R. Xiang
    HZDR, Dresden, Germany
  An improved SRF gun has been installed and commissioned at HZDR since 2014. This new gun replaces the first SRF gun at the superconducting linear accelerator ELBE which had been in operation since 2007. The new SRF gun II has an improved 3.5-cell niobium cavity and a superconducting solenoid inside the gun cryostat. The gun has been tested first with a Cu photocathode. Using the standard high repetition rate laser system, this allows low bunch charge beams of a few pC only. The beam parameters for these low charges have been measured, and the first beam has been guided into the ELBE accelerator. Since 2015 the photocathode transfer system is installed for future use of Cs2Te photocathodes with high quantum efficiency photocathodes.  
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