Author: Post, H.
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MO2PB04 Improving the Energy Efficiency, Reliability and Performance of AGOR 25
  • M.A. Hofstee, S. Brandenburg, H. Post, R.A. Schellekens, J.E. de Jong
    KVI, Groningen, The Netherlands
  Over the past few years the nature of the experiments performed with AGOR has changed from long experiments, to sequences of short experiments, often using different beams. In addition the total demand for beamtime has gone down. This has required a change in operating procedures and scheduling. In view of the changing demands, we are continuing our efforts to improve the energy efficiency and reliability of the cyclotron, while at the same time trying to improve performance. While some of the solutions might be unique to our facility, many will have broader applicability. Some case studies will be presented and areas for future improvements identified.  
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