Wednesday morning, 14 May 1997
PAC'97 Home Page
Table of Contents
Session 5B. Linear Colliders.
5B001 Results from the DESY TESLA Test Facility
- B. Aune (DESY)
5B002 The SLAC Damped Detuned Structure. Concept, Design, and Theory
- Norman M. Kroll (University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0319, and Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University, CA 94309)
5B003 Studies of Beam Induced Dipole Modes in Accelerating Structures at the SLC
- Mike Seidel (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford CA 94309, U.S.A.)
5B004 Results from the SLAC NLC Test Accelerator
- Ronald D. Ruth (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, CA 94309)
5B005 KEK/ATF Damping Ring
- Junji Urakawa (KEK, 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba-Shi, Ibaraki-ken 305, Japan)
5B006 Super-ASSET: A Technique for Measuring and Correcting Accelerator Structure Misalignments at the SLC.
- F.-J. Decker, R.W. Assmann, M.G. Minty, P. Raimondi (SLAC)
5B007 Limitations of Interaction-Point Spot-Size Tuning at the SLC.
- P. Raimondi, P. Emma, L.J. Hendrickson, F. Zimmermann (SLAC)
5B008 Development of C-band RF Pulse Compression System for e+e- Linear Collider
- N. Akasaka, H. Matsumoto (KEK)
5B009 Beam Characteristics versus Cavity Models in CLIC
- G. Guignard (CERN), J. Hagel (Univ. of Madeira)
5B010 LIGA-Fabrication of mmWave Accelerating Cavity Structures at the Advanced Photon Source (APS)
- J.J. Song, Y.W. Kang, R.L. Kustom, D. Mancini, A. Nassiri, B. Lai (Argonne National Laboratory), A.D. Feinerman (University of Illinois at Chicago, Dep. of EECS, Microfabrication Laboratory), V. White (University of Wisconsin at Madison, Center for X-ray Lithography)
5B011 Design and Fabrication of a Traveling-Wave Muffin-Tin Accelerating Structure at 90 GHz
- P.J. Chou, G.B. Bowden, M.R. Henke, H. Siemann (SLAC, Stanford University, California)
Session 5C. Controls and Computing.
5C001 Object oriented APIs for accelerator control systems
- Lawrence T. Hoff (Brookhaven National Lab)
5C002 A Portable Accelerator Control Toolkit
- W.A. Watson III (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
5C003 Experience with EPICS in a wide variety of applications.
- Martin R. Kraimer (ANL/APS), M. Clausen (DESY), W. Lupton (KECK), C. Watson (TJNAF)
5C004 The Procedure Execution Manager and Its Application to Advanced Photon Source Accelerator Operation
- C.W. Saunders, M. Borland (Argonne National Laboratory)
5C005 Data Warehouse on the Web for Accelerator Fabrication and Maintenance.
- A. Chan, G. Crane, I. Macgregor, S. Meyer (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
5C006 COSY INFINITY Version 7
- M. Berz, K. Makino (MSU)
5C007 A Solving Module of an Expert System for Nonlinear Beam Dynamics
- Serge Andrianov, Andrew Dvoeglazov (SPbSU)
5C008 Designing a Portable Architecture for Intelligent Particle Accelerator Control
- William B. Klein, Carl R. Stern (Vista Control Systems, Inc.), George F. Luger, Eric T. Olsson (University of New Mexico)
5C009 A Hybrid Numerical Method for Orbit Correction
- Greg White, Hamid Shoaee, Thomas Himel (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
5C010 TRAK_RF - Electromagnetic Field and Charged Particle Simulations in RF Devices
- Stanley Humphries (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico), Daniel Rees (APT Program, Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5C011 Eigenmodes of Microwave Cavities Containing High-loss Dielectric Materials.
- Simon Cooke (University of Maryland), Baruch Levush (Naval Research Laboratory)
5C012 Status of Unified Accelerator Libraries
- N. Malitsky, R. Talman (Laboratory of Nuclear Studies, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853)
Session 5P. Power Supplies, RF Sources/Systems, Beam Instrumentation (Tune, Emittance/Profile).
5P001 Overview of the ATR Power Supplies
- D. Bruno (RHIC Project, Brookhaven National Laboratory), A. Soukas, F. Toldo (AGS Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory), B. Lambiase (RHIC Project, Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5P002 Power Systems for the RHIC First Sextant Test
- R. F. Lambiase, D. Bruno, P. K. Feng, T. Haque, C. Schultheiss (RHIC Project, Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5P003 The Power Supply Systems for Elliptical Multipole Wigglers.
- Anatoly Medvedko, Yury Evtushenko, Boris Dovgenko, Sergey Petrov, Vladimir Veremeenko (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia), Om Singh (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, N.Y. 11973, USA.)
- High Current, Low Voltage Power Converter [20kA, 6V] - LHC Converter Prototype
- F. Bordry, A. Dupaquier, G. Fernqvist (CERN), H.E. Jorgensen, P. Madsen, E. Steinmann (Danfysik)
5P005 Failure Statistics of DESY Power Supplies
- Hans-Joerg Eckoldt (DESY, Hamburg)
- Supply Networks for the 500 GeV Colliders SBLC and TESLA
- Peter Jensen, Peter Pillat, Kerstin Schuler (DESY, Hamburg)
5P007 Four quadrant DC to DC switching supply for the Main Injector
- Leon Bartelson, George Krafczyk, Howard Pfeffer, Daniel Wolff (FNAL)
5P008 An Embedded Power Supply Controller
- Sergei Sharonov, Jerzy Nogiec (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
5P009 Magnet Power Supply System for KEK B-Factory
- Tadashi Kubo, Masato Yoshida (KEK)
5P010 Effect of Rectifier Voltage Sub-Harmonics on Rapid Cycling Synchrotron Power Supply
- F.Q. Zhang (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (KEK)), T Adachi, K. Endo (KEK)
5P011 Development of a High Speed Crowbar for LANSCE
- C. Friedrichs, J. Lyles, J.M. Doub (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5P012 Commissioning and First Year Operation of the LNLS Magnets Power Supplies
- Daniel Wisnivesky (Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sincrotron. Campinas. Brazil. Also at Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin. UNICAMP), A. C. Lira, A. R. Silva, L. H. Oliveira, F. C. Arroyo (LNLS. Campinas . Brazil)
5P013 High Current Shunt Regulator for Quadrupole Magnets in PLS 2-GeV Storage Ring,
- S.H. Nam, J.H. Suh, K.M. Ha, I.S. Ko (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH, KOREA)
5P014 A Unique Power Supply for the PEPII Klystron at SLAC
- R.L. Cassel, M.N. Nguyen (SLAC)
5P015 PEP-II 16-Channel Corrector Controller Using BITBUS
- Rolf Olsen (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
5P016 New Power Supply Control Interface and Energy Ramping in SRRC
- C. S. Chen, JENNY Chen, J. S. Chen, C. J. Wang, C. H. Kuo, K. B. Liu, J. T. Sheu, K. T. Hsu (SRRC, TAIWAN)
5P017 Phase-Loop Bandwidth Measurements on the Advanced Photon Source 352-MHz RF Systems
- D. Horan, A. Nassiri, C. Schwartz (Argonne National Laboratory)
5P018 7GHz Pulsed Magnicon: Study and New Results.
- E.V. Kozyrev, I.G. Makarov, O.A. Nezhevenko, A.A. Nikiforov, G.N. Ostreiko, B.Z. Persov, G.V. Serdobintsev, S.V. Shchelkunoff, V.V. Tarnetsky, V.P. Yakovlev, I.A. Zapryagaev (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
5P019 High Efficiency TWT Amplifiers
- S. Naqvi, G. S. Kerslick, J. A. Nation, Q. Wang (Cornell University, School of Electrical Engineering amp; Laboratory of Plasma Studies, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA)
5P020 Microwave Cold Tests of Sheet-Beam RF Cavities
- D. Yu, T. Lee (DULY Research Inc.), A. Nassiri (Argonne National Laboratory)
5P021 The 101 MHz Amplifier System of the new CERN Lead Injector
- G. Hutter, W. Vinzenz (GSI), H. Broere, J. Evans, F. Nitsch (CERN), K. Berdermann (Bertronix Company), U. Hansen (Dressler Company)
- Some Aspects of the Moscow Meson Factory DTL RF System Tuning
- A.I. Kvasha (Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow, Russia)
5P023 Design of 140 MW X-band Relativistic Klystron for Linear Collider
- G.V. Dolbilov, N.I. Azorsky, V.S. Shvetsov (JINR, Dubna), V.E Balakin, P.V. Avrakhov, S.Yu. Kazakov, V.E. Teryaev, V.F. Vogel (Branch of BINP, Protvino)
5P024 Large-Signal Klystron Simulations Using KLSC
- B. E. Carlsten (Los Alamos National Laboratory), P. Ferguson (MDS Company)
5P025 Rippled-Beam Free-Electron Laser
- B. E. Carlsten (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5P026 High Power Free Electron Maser Experiment
- C.M. Fortgang, B.E. Carlsten, L.M. Earley, M.V. Fazio, W.B. Haynes (Los Alamos National Lab)
5P027 The rf System for the National Spallation Neutron Source Linac*
- Paul Tallerico, James Billen, Andrew Jason, Michael Lynch, Thomas Wangler, Lloyd Young (Los Alamos National Laboratory.)
5P028 Double-sided Relativistic Magnetron
- A.V. Agafonov, E.G. Krastelev (P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS)
5P029 Circuit Aspects of the NRL/Industrial 94 GHz Gyroklystron Amplifier
- D. Pershing (Mission Research Corp.), K. Nguyen (KN Research), J. Petillo (SAIC), J. Calame (U. of MD), B. Danly, B. Levush (Naval Research Laboratory)
5P030 Electron Beam Propagation with Premodulated Energy and Current
- Han S. Uhm (Naval Surface Warfare Center)
5P031 Experimental Investigation of a W-Band Gyroklystron Amplifier
- Monica Blank, Bruce Danly, Baruch Levush (Naval Research Laboratory), Peter Latham (Omega P, Inc.)
5P032 The NRL X-Band Thermionic Magnicon Amplifier Experiment
- S.H. Gold, A.W. Fliflet (Beam Physics Branch, Plasma Physics Division, Naval Research Laboratory), O.A. Nezhevenko, V.P. Yakovlev, J.L. Hirshfield (Omega-P Inc.), B. Hafizi (Icarus Research), A.K. Kinkead (Sachs-Freeman Associates), R. True (Litton Electron Devices)
5P033 34 GHz pulsed Magnicon for Linear Collider Application:
- O. A. Nezhevenko, V. P. Yakovlev, A. K. Ganguly, J. L. Hirshfield (Omega-P Inc.)
5P034 High Power 35GHz Gyroklystron Amplifiers
- Jin Choi (SAIC), A. McCurdy (USC), F. Wood, R. Kyser (Dyncorp), B. Danly, B. Levush, R. Parker (Naval Research Laboratory)
- RF Processing the NLCTA Injector Using Real Time Graphical Vacuum Displays
- Saul L. Gold (SLAC)
5P036 Feasibility Study of a HOM IOT for TESLA
- Petra Schütt, Thomas Weiland (TH Darmstadt), Alexander Gamp, Fuhai Lu (DESY)
5P037 Operating Experience and Reliability Improvements on the 5 kW CW Klystron at Jefferson Lab
- R. Nelson, S. Holben (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
5P038 Initial Operation of the Maryland Coaxial Gyroklystron Experiment
- W. Lawson, M. Castle, J. Cheng, B. Hogan, G.P. Saraph, V.L. Granatstein, M. Reiser (University of Maryland)
5P039 Seventh Harmonic Co-Generation by Cyclotron Resonance Acceleration
- Changbiao Wang (Yale University), J. L. Hirshfield (Yale University and Omega-P, Inc.), Achintya K. Ganguly (Omega-P, Inc.)
5P040 Characterization of Beam Dynamics in the APS Injector Rings Using Time-Resolved Imaging Techniques
- B. X. Yang, A. H. Lumpkin, M. Borland, K. Harkay, A. Nassiri (Argonne National Laboratory)
5P041 Lattice Function Measurements in the Fermilab Accumulator Ring
- Mike Church (Fermilab)
5P042 Realtime Tune Measurements in Slow-Cycling Accelerators
- David Herrup (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
5P043 Tune Measurement Methods in the Fermilab Main Ring
- D. Still, I. Kourbanis, D. Capista, D. Herrup (Fermilab)
5P044 Automatic Beam Position Control at LASREF
- M.A. Oothoudt, C. Pillai, M.V. Zumbro (Accelerator Operations and Technology Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545)
5P045 Mechanical Design of a Pinger System for the Advanced Light Source Accelerator.
- William Thur, Jim Guigli, Alex Gavidia (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
5P046 A Scanning Target Profile Monitor for the Slow Extracted Beam at the AGS
- K.A. Brown, I.H. Chiang, J. Hock, J. Geller, J.W. Glenn, G.A. Smith, J. Tuozzolo, R. Witkover, E. Zitvogel (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5P047 A Prototype Ionization Profile Monitor for RHIC.
- R. Connolly, P. Cameron, W. Ryan, T. Shea, R. Sikora, N. Tsoupas (Brookhaven National Lab)
5P048 Multi-wire Beam Profile Monitor in the AGS
- H. Huang, W. Buxton, V. Castillo, G. Mahler, R. Witkover (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973-5000, USA)
5P049 Beam Tomography in Longitudinal Phase Space
- V. Mane, J. Wei, S. Peggs (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5P050 Orbit Compensation for the Time Varying Elliptically Polarized Wiggler Operating at 100 hz.
- O. Singh, S. Krinsky (NSLS, Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5P051 A Turn-By-Turn Vertical Profile Monitor
- R.Scott Smith, Stuart Henderson, D. Hartill (Newman Laboratory of Nuclear Studies, Cornell University), Tong Chen, R. H. Siemann (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University)
5P052 Fermilab Main Ring Ion Profile Monitor System
- James R. Zagel, A.A. Hahn, Patrick G. Hurh, James L. Crisp (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
5P053 First Test Results of a Residual Gas Beam Profile Monitor
- Vincenzo Variale (INFN sez. di Bari, Italy), Tarcisio Clauser, Vincenzo Stagno (Dipartimento di Fisica e INFN sez. di Bari, Italy), Nicola Ceci, Giuseppe V. Lamanna, Vincenzo Valentino, Antonio Dainelli, Marco Poggi (INFN sez. di Bari, Italy)
5P054 A Longitudinal Phase Space Monitor at the Photon Factory Storage Ring
- Y. Kobayashi, M. Izawa (KEK-PF)
5P055 Study of a Non-Intrusive Electron Beam Radius Diagnostic
- Thomas J. T. Kwan, Barbara G. DeVolder, Charles M. Snell, John C. Goldstein (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5P056 Preliminary Results of RMS Emittance Measurements Performed on the Subpicosecond Accelerator Using Beam Position Monitors
- Steven J. Russell (LANL)
5P057 Spectral Fluctuations of Incoherent Radiation and Measurement of Longitudinal Bunch Profile.
- M.S. Zolotorev (LBL), G.V. Stupakov (SLAC)
- Measurement of the DTL Beam Disribution in Longitudinal Phase Space
- A. Tron (MEPhI)
5P059 A turn by turn photon beam profile observation by a laser beam saturated photodiode
- Ian Hsu, C.-H. Lee, G.-T. Cheng (Dept. of Nuclear Science, National Tsing Hua University and SRRC, TAIWAN)
5P060 An RF Bunch-Length Monitor for the SLC Final Focus.
- D. McCormick, C.K. Ng, P. Raimondi, D.H. Whittum, G. Yocky, F. Zimmermann (SLAC)
5P061 Beam Profile Monitors in the NLCTA
- C. Nantista, C. Adolphsen, R.L. Brown, R. Fuller, J. Rifkin (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
5P062 High Power Beam Profile Monitor with Optical Transition Radiation
- J.-C. Denard, P. Piot, K. Capek, E. Feldl (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
5P063 An Emittance Measurement System for a Wide Range of Bunch Charges
- B. Dunham, D. Engwall, A. Hofler, M. Keesee, R. Legg (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
5P064 A Multislit Transverse-Emittance Diagnostic for Space-Charge-Dominated Electron Beams
- P. Piot, J. Song, R. Li, G. A. Krafft, K. Jordan, E. Feldl, D. Kehne, J.-C. Denard (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
5P065 Analysis of a Novel Diffractive Scanning-Wire Beam Position Monitor (BPM) for Discriminative Profiling of Electron vs. X-ray Beams
- Roman Tatchyn (Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94309 USA)
5P066 Analysis of a Single-Shot Longitudinal Bunch Profiling System Based on an Ultra-Short Pulse Ti:sapphire Laser
- Roman Tatchyn (Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94309 USA)
Session 5V. Maps, Tracking and Dynamic Aperture, Wake Fields.
5V001 Canonical Particle Tracking in Helical Insertion Devices
- G. Wüstefeld, M. Scheer (BESSY, Berlin, Germany)
5V002 Orbit Dynamics for Unstable Linear Motion
- G. Parzen (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5V003 Particle Motion in the Stable Region Near a Linear Half-Integer Stopband
- G. Parzen (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5V004 Particle Motion in the Stable Region Near the Edge of a Linear Sum Resonance Stopband
- G. Parzen (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5V005 The Linear Parameters and the Decoupling Matrix for Linearly Coupled Motion in 6 Dimensional Phase Space
- G. Parzen (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Analytic study of the dynamic aperture limitation due to the chromatic sextupoles
- V.V. Sajaev, E.B. Levichev (BINP)
5V007 Dynamic aperture of the storage ring VEPP-2M in round beam mode.
- A.A. Valishev, I.A. Koop, A.P. Lysenko, I.N. Nesterenko, Yu.M. Shatunov (Budker INP, Novosibirsk)
5V008 Tracking Studies for the LHC Optics Version 4.2 and 4.3 at Injection Energy
- M. Böge, Qing Qin, F. Schmidt (CERN)
5V010 A Robust and Flexible Lattice for LHC
- J.-P. Koutchouk, A. Faus-Golfe, H. Grote, T. Risselada, A. Verdier, S. Weisz (CERN)
5V011 Inverse Logarithm Decaying of Long-term Dynamic Aperture in Hadron Colliders
- W. Scandale, M. Giovannozzi (CERN), E. Todesco (INFN-Bologna)
5V012 Estimates for Long-term Stability for the LHC
- F. Schmidt, M. Böge (CERN)
- Tolerance on the Non-linear Chromaticity in Light Lepton Machines
- A. Verdier (CERN)
- Computation of Fixed Points in a Circular Machine
- A. Verdier (CERN), M. Jan (Comenius University, Bratislava)
- Multipole Compensation in the LHC Low-\beta Insertions
- A. Verdier, A. Faus-Golfe (CERN)
5V016 The Dynamic Aperture Study on the Beijing Tau-Charm Factory Design
- Q. Qin, Z.T. Wei, N. Huang, A.M. Xiao (IHEP, Beijing, P.R. China)
- Study of the Dynamic Aperture of the 4D Quadratic Map using Invariant Manifolds
- Massimo Giovannozzi (INFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy)
5V018 Computation of the Dynamic Aperture of 2D Generic Maps using Invariant Manifolds
- Massimo Giovannozzi (INFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy)
5V019 An Orbit and Dispersion Correction Scheme for the PEP-II
- Y. Cai, M. Donald, H. Shoaee, G. White, L.A. Yasukawa (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
- Stray Field of Permanent Quadrupoles in the Interaction Region of PEP-II
- Y. Cai, M. Donald, S. Ecklund, Y. Nosochkov, Y. Yan (SLAC)
- Nonlinear One-Turn Map Measurement In Storage Rings
- W. L. Spence, R. E. Stege, J. L. Turner (SLAC)
- Section-by-section Map Analysis for NLC Beam Delivery Lattice
- Y.T. Yan, Y. Cai, J. Irwin (SLAC)
5V023 Non Linear Beam Dynamics Studies at SPEAR
- A Terebilo, C Pellegrini (University of California, Los Angeles), M Cornacchia, J Corbett, D Martin (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
- Finding Four Dimensional Symplectic Maps with Reduced Chaos
- Weishi Wan, John R. Cary, Svetlana G. Shasharina (Dept. of Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder)
- Simulating the Effect of Helical Dipoles on the Particle Dynamics in RHIC
- D. Abell (University of Maryland), W. Fischer (Brookhaven National Laboratory), N. Malitsky (Cornell University)
- An Estimate of the Domain of Convergence for the Large Hadron Collider's One-turn Map
- Dan T. Abell, Alex J. Dragt (University of Maryland)
5V027 Coherent Radiation of an Electron Bunch Moving in an Arc of a Circle
- E.L. Saldin, E.A. Schneidmiller (ASC, Samara, Russia), M.V. Yurkov (JINR, Dubna)
5V028 Wakefields of Short Bunches in the Canal Covered with Thin Dielectric Layer
- Alexandre Novokhatski, Alban Mosnier (CEA-Saclay)
- Effect of Beam Wakefield Due to the Changes of Beam Energy Spread and Channel Aperture in Linac
- Y. Chen, M. Xiao, Z. Huang, S. Fu (China Institute of Atomic Energy)
5V030 Emittance Dilution through Coherent Energy Spread Generation in Bending Systems
- Reinhard Brinkmann (DESY), Paul Emma (SLAC)
5V031 Measurement of the longitudinal wake potential in the Photon Factory electron storage ring.
- Kazuhiro Tamura (Hiroshima University), Toshio Kasuga, Makoto Tobiyama, Takashi Obina (National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (KEK)), Akira Mochihashi (University of Tsukuba), Baogen Sun (Univervsity of Science and Technology of China)
5V032 Weak-Strong Simulation of Beam-Photoelectron Instability in a Positron Storage Ring
- K. Ohmi (KEK)
- Beam Breakup in High-Current Accelerating 4\pi /3 Structure
- A.M. Opanasenko, V.I. Kurilko, L.O. Makhnenko (KFTI,Kharkiv)
5V034 Equivalent Circuit Study of Beam-Loading Using a Moment Method,
- T. F. Wang (Los Alamos National Laboratory), S. Machida, Y. Mori, C. Ohmori (Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo)
- Transient Beam Dynamics for the Case of Multi Mode Cumulative Interaction in RF Linac
- Vyacheslav Kurakin (Lebedev Physical Institute, 117924 Moscow, Russia)
5V036 Collective Centroid Oscillations as an Emittance Preservation Diagnostic in Linear Collider Linacs
- C.E. Adolphsen, K.L.F. Bane, W.L. Spence, M.D. Woodley (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94309 U.S.A.)
5V037 Beam Loading Compensation in the NLCTA
- C. Adolphsen, T. Lavine, C. Nantista, R. Ruth, J. Wang, D. Yeremian (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford CA 94309, USA)
5V038 Single Bunch Stability in LER of PEP-II
- S. Heifets (Stanford Linear Collider), G. Sabbi (Fermi National Laboratory)
- Short-Range Wakefields in X-Band Linear Collider Linacs.
- Cho-Kuen Ng, Xiao-wei Zhan, Kwok Ko (SLAC)
5V040 Geometrical Wake of a Smooth Flat Collimator.
- G.V. Stupakov (SLAC)
5V041 Synchrotron Radiation Wake in Free Space.
- G.V. Stupakov (SLAC)
5V042 Beam Effects of Double RF System
- L.H. Chang, CH. Wang, W.K. Lau (Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
5V043 Multipass Beam Breakup in a Microtron
- Byung C. Yunn, Lia Merminga (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
5V044 Beam Loading Optimized Filling Patterns for Partially Filled Storage Ring
- S.A. Bogacz (UCLA/Univ. of Tokyo)
Session 5W. Proton and Ion Linacs.
5W001 The Beam Loading Effect in the Multicavity Linear Accelerator and the Requirements to the RF control system.
- Yu. Senichev (ISA, Aarhus University.)
5W002 A Superconducting Linac for the Energy Amplifier
- A.G. Ruggiero (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973)
5W003 Low-Beta Structures for CW Operation
- S. Joly, H. Leboutet (CEA), C. Perraudin (Thomson-CSF)
5W004 IPHI, the Saclay High-Intensity Proton Injector project.
- J-M. Lagniel (CEA-DSM-GECA/Saclay), S. Joly (CEA-DAM-DRIFT-DPTA/Bruyeres-le-Chatel), A.C. Mueller (CNRS-IN2P3-IPN/Orsay)
- Simulation of an Equipartitioned rf Linac
- N. Brown (G.H. Gillespie Associates, Inc.), R. Garnett (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5W006 Status on Linacs Developed at Institute of Atomic Physics Bucharest
- Ioan Indreias, Diana Martin, Constantin Oproiu, Aurica Radu, Silvia Marghitu (Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest, Romania), Alexandru Margaritescu, Radu Cramariuc (ICPE Electrostatica SA, Bucharest, Romania)
5W007 The New Positive Ion Injector PIAVE at LNL
- A. Lombardi, G. Bassato, G. P. Bezzon, G. Bisoffi, E. Bissiato, S. Canella, F. Chiurlotto, M. Comunian, A. Facco, P. Favaron, M. Lollo, M. F. Moisio, R. Pengo, A. Pisent, M. Poggi, A. M. Porcellato, L. Ziomi (Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, I.N.F.N., Legnaro, Italy), V. Andreev (I.T.E.P., Moscow, Russia), H. Dewa (Institute for Chemical Research, University of Kyoto, Japan)
5W008 Complete simulation of the heavy ion linac PIAVE
- Andrea Pisent, Michele Comunian (INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Padova, Italy)
- Multiparticle electronic sheet for the setting up of an independently phased resonator linac
- Andrea Pisent, Michele Comunian (INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Padova, Italy)
5W010 A Triple Gap Resonator Design for the Separated Function DTL at TRIUMF
- Y.V. Bylinsky, V.V. Kukhtiev, P.N. Ostroumov, V.V. Paramonov (INR RAS), R.E. Laxdal (TRIUMF)
- Study of Structural Scheme for Medium Energy RF Focused Ion Linac
- G.N. Kropachev, A.I. Balabin (ITEP)
- Bunching systems with homogeneous magnetic field.
- V.G. Rudychev (Radiation Physics Laboratory, Kharkov State University, Kharkov, Ukraine)
5W013 BBU Gain Measurements on the ITS 6-MeV, 4-kA Linac
- Paul Allison, David C. Moir (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5W014 Quadrupole Image-Current Effects in the ITS 6-MeV, 4-kA Linac
- Paul Allison, David C. Moir (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5W015 Observation of Self-Steering Effects on the ITS 6-MeV Linac
- Paul Allison, Dave Moir, Gary Sullivan (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Thomas P. Hughes (Mission Research Corp.)
5W016 An Overview of the Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA)= Project RF=20 Systems
- Joseph T. Bradley III, Daniel E. Rees, Michael T. Lynch, Karen A. Cummings, William T. Roybal, Paul J. Tallerico (Los Alamos National Lab), Loren L. Toole (Savannah River Site)
5W017 Commissioning Plan for A High-Current Proton Linac
- K.C.D. Chan, R.L. Barber, R.W. Garnett, J.D. Gilpatrick, K.F. Johnson, G.P. Lawrence, S. Nath, A. Regan, L. Rybarcyk, R.E. Shafer, H.V. Smith, T.P. Wangler, L.M. Young (Los Alamos National Laboratory), W. Funk (Savannah River Laboratory), K.R. Crandall (Amparo Corporation)
5W018 Simulated Performance of the Superconducting Section of the APT Linac under Various Fault and Error Conditions
- E. R. Gray , B. Blind , S. Nath , T. P. Wangler (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- A High Intensity Linac for the National Spallation Neutron Source
- A. Jason, T. Bhatia, J. Billen, D. Schrage, S. Kurennoy, F. Krawczyk, M. Lynch, S. Nath, R. Shafer, H. Takeda, P. Tallerico, T. Wangler, R. Wood, L. Young (Los Alamos National Laboratory), P. Grand, R. McKenzie-Wilson (Amparo Corp.)
5W020 Integrated Normal-conducting/Superconducting High Power Proton Linac for APT.
- G. Lawrence, T. Wangler (Los Alamos National Laboratory.)
5W021 Overview of Progress on the LANSCE Accelerator and Target Facilities Improvement Program
- R. J. Macek, T. Brun, J. B. Donahue, D. H. Fitzgerald (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5W022 Beam Dynamics Design for the APT Integrated Linac
- S. Nath, E. R. Gray , T. P. Wangler, L. M. Young (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5W023 Availability Results for the LANSCE Accelerator Complex
- Brian Ray, Robert Garnett, Kevin Jones, Michael Oothhoudt (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5W024 Progress Update on the Low-Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA)
- J. D. Schneider, K. C. D. Chan (Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, NM87545)
5W025 Physics Design of the National Spallation Neutron Source Linac from DTL to CCL
- H. Takeda , J. H. Billen , S. Nath , L. M. Young (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5W026 The NSNS Front End Accelerator System
- John W. Staples (LBNL)
- Multiwave Interaction in Linear Accelerator and RF-Focusing of Ion Beam
- E.S. Masunov, N. Vinogradov (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)
- J.D. Bailey, D.K. Olsen (ORNL)
- Portable Linac Using a CW Magnetron as a Power Source
- A.V. Mishin, R.G. Schonberg, H. Deruyter, T. Roumbanis, D. Skowbo (Schonberg Research Corporation), R. Miller (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
5W030 A 100 MeV Multi-Tank Drift Tube Linac for the Linear Proton Accelerator of the Energy Amplifier
- Gerardo D'Auria, Carlo Rossi (Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy)
5W031 Low Level RF Distribution and RF Power Distribution of the 100 MeV Proton Multi-Tank Drift Tube Linac
- Carlo Rossi, Gerardo D'Auria (Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy)
- First Beam Halo Calculations for the Superconducting Linear Accelerator of the Energy Amplifier
- A. Wrulich (Sincrotrone Trieste)
5W033 Linear Beam Dynamics in the Superconducting Linear Accelerator of the Energy Amplifier
- A. Wrulich, F. Iazzourene, C. Pasotti (Sincrotrone Trieste)
5W034 Optimization of the Accelerating Structures for the Superconducting Linear Accelerator of the Energy Amplifier
- A. Wrulich (Sincrotrone Trieste)
5W035 A DTL with Short Tanks and External Focusing for High Power CW Linacs
- C. Bourat, C. Perraudin (Thomson-CSF Airsys -France-)
5W036 A Separated Function Drift-Tube Linac for the ISAC Project at TRIUMF
- R.E. Laxdal, P.G. Bricault, T. Ries (TRIUMF), D.V. Gorelov (INR-Moscow)