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Title Thermal Experimet Results on TPS Beam Position Monitors
  • Y.T. Huang, C.K. Chanpresenter, J. -Y. Chuang, I.C. Sheng, Y.C. Yang
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Abstract Beam position monitors mounted in straight sections exhibit an unusual temperature rise which is attributed to poor thermal and electrical conductivity of the stainless steel BPM chamber, to the vicinity to RF-bellows, and the large button electrode size to get superior signal levels. Thermocouples tied to BPM flanges and RF bellows show that the temperature could reach 50 oC when storing a beam current of 400 mA and BPMs located between two RF-bellows in RF cavity sections responds by even 5-10 oC higher values than average. To resolve this issue, off site experiments and simulations were conducted to further understand the heat flow in the whole structure. In this paper we discuss more details of these studies.
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Conference IPAC2017, Copenhagen, Denmark
Series International Particle Accelerator Conference (8th)
Proceedings Link to full IPAC2017 Proccedings
Session Posters Wednesday 3
Date 17-May-17   16:00–18:00
Main Classification 07 Accelerator Technology
Sub Classification T14 Vacuum Technology
Keywords impedance, simulation, cavity, storage-ring, vacuum
Publisher JACoW, Geneva, Switzerland
Editors Volker RW Schaa (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany); Gianluigi Arduini (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland); Juliana Pranke (ESS, Lund, Sweden); Mike Seidel (PSI, Villigen, Switzerland); Mats Lindroos (ESS, Lund, Sweden)
ISBN 978-3-95450-182-3
Published May 2017
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