Title |
Energy Deposition and Activation Studies of the ESSnuSB Horn Station |
Authors |
- E. Bouquerel, E. Baussan, M. Dracos
IPHC, Strasbourg Cedex 2, France
- N. Vassilopoulos
IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Abstract |
The ESS'SB project foresees the production of a very intense neutrino beam to enable the discovery of leptonic CP violation. In addition to the neutrinos, a copious number of muons that could be used by a future Neutrino Factory and a muon collider will also be produced at the same time. This facility will use the world's most intense pulsed spallation neutron source, the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund. Its LINAC is expected to be operational by 2023, producing 2 GeV protons with a power of 5 MW. The primary proton beam line completing the linear accelerator will consist of one or several accumulator rings and a proton beam switchyard. The secondary beam line producing neutrinos and muons will consist of a four-horn target station, a decay tunnel and a beam dump. To detect the produced neutrinos a far megaton scale Water Cherenkov detector will be placed at a baseline of about 500 km in one of the existing active mines in Sweden. The estimation of the energy deposited and the activation within this secondary beam line are discussed in this paper.
Funding |
This project is now supported by the COST Action CA15139 Combining forces for a novel European facility for neutrino-antineutrino symmetry-violation discovery (EuroNuNet). |
Paper |
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Conference |
IPAC2017, Copenhagen, Denmark |
Series |
International Particle Accelerator Conference (8th) |
Proceedings |
Link to full IPAC2017 Proccedings |
Session |
Posters Monday 2 |
Date |
15-May-17 16:00–18:00 |
Main Classification |
04 Hadron Accelerators |
Sub Classification |
T20 Targetry |
Keywords |
target, proton, hadron, neutron, linac |
Publisher |
JACoW, Geneva, Switzerland |
Editors |
Volker RW Schaa (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany); Gianluigi Arduini (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland); Juliana Pranke (ESS, Lund, Sweden); Mike Seidel (PSI, Villigen, Switzerland); Mats Lindroos (ESS, Lund, Sweden) |
978-3-95450-182-3 |
Published |
May 2017 |
Copyright |