Author: Liu, F.
Paper Title Page
Consideration and Design of HEPS Beam Instrumentation  
  • J.H. Yue, J.S. Cao, Y.Y. Du, J. He, F. Liu, Z. Liu, Y.H. Lu, H.Z. Ma, Y.F. Sui, L. Wang, S.J. Wei, T.G. Xu, J. Yang, Q. Ye, D. Yin, L. Yu, X.E. Zhang, J.X. Zhao, X.Y. Zhao, Y. Zhao, D.C. Zhu
    IHEP, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  High Energy Synchrotron Photon Source(HEPS)is an ultra-low emittance light source, of which the energy is 6 GeV, the current is 100-200mA, so it is more difficult to the physics design and hardware design. To the beam instrumentation, sub-micron level beam position measurement and controlling system, sub-micron synchrotron measurement system based x-ray and bunch by bunch feedback system are the technologies which we need to master and to develop. Beam position measurement system is based on digital technology; it is difficult to design and home-made. Emittance measurement of storage is relied on the accuracy measurement of beam profile, of which the resolution is sub-micron level; x ray KB mirror imaging system can meet such high resolution requirement and a good choice. bunch by bunch feedback systems are used to restrin the beam instabilities. In this article, the author introduces the beam instrumentations in detail.  
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