Author: Du, Y.Y.
Paper Title Page
Consideration and Design of HEPS Beam Instrumentation  
  • J.H. Yue, J.S. Cao, Y.Y. Du, J. He, F. Liu, Z. Liu, Y.H. Lu, H.Z. Ma, Y.F. Sui, L. Wang, S.J. Wei, T.G. Xu, J. Yang, Q. Ye, D. Yin, L. Yu, X.E. Zhang, J.X. Zhao, X.Y. Zhao, Y. Zhao, D.C. Zhu
    IHEP, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  High Energy Synchrotron Photon Source(HEPS)is an ultra-low emittance light source, of which the energy is 6 GeV, the current is 100-200mA, so it is more difficult to the physics design and hardware design. To the beam instrumentation, sub-micron level beam position measurement and controlling system, sub-micron synchrotron measurement system based x-ray and bunch by bunch feedback system are the technologies which we need to master and to develop. Beam position measurement system is based on digital technology; it is difficult to design and home-made. Emittance measurement of storage is relied on the accuracy measurement of beam profile, of which the resolution is sub-micron level; x ray KB mirror imaging system can meet such high resolution requirement and a good choice. bunch by bunch feedback systems are used to restrin the beam instabilities. In this article, the author introduces the beam instrumentations in detail.  
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HEPS Storage Ring BPM Development  
  • S.J. Wei, J.S. Cao, Y.Y. Du, H.Z. Ma, Y.F. Sui, J. Yang, Q. Ye, J.H. Yue, X.E. Zhang
    IHEP, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  Beam Position Monitors BPM is the most important and frequent non-destructive diagnostics used at nearly all synchrotrons. In HEPS project, the BPM electronics have been developed all by the BI group staffs. There are 4 main parts are involved in development: the hardware of AFE (RF analog circuit) and DFE (Digital signal processing circuit), the firmware of algorithm, the data acquisition software (DAS), and the BPM testing system. In order to get a better performance, the RF analog circuit (AFE) is design carefully, and the algorithm (HDL in DFE) has been designed and optimized. At the same time, several related techniques are studied to improve the system long-term resolution, such as the thermally controlled racks, 2-way analog switching, the thermal compensation algorithm, etc. Moreover, testing system for BPM is a very important during the BPM electronics development, in manufacturing stage, it can provide the testing tools for the hardware and firmware. And in system running stage, it can be used for a diagnose tools, calibration tools, and monitoring tools for the BPM system. So the BPM testing system can make the system more robust.  
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