Author: Diana, B.F.
Paper Title Page
A New Flexible and Interactive Control System for the INFN-LNS Accelerators and Beamlines  
  • G. Vecchio, S. Aurnia, S. Cavallaro, L. Cosentino, B.F. Diana, E. Furia, P.S. Pulvirenti, A.D. Russo
    INFN/LNS, Catania, Italy
  Interactive Graphics User Interfaces (GUI) and a new message exchange protocol are parts of the modern Control System designed and developed to control and monitor the accelerators and beamlines at Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (INFN LNS). We used the most innovative open source frameworks and architectures to build several kinds of applications: a web-based application, an interactive synoptic panel and a mobile app. The new protocol for the message exchange between the field devices and the control user interfaces uses the in-memory data structure store Redis as a message broker. Several outline tools allow the calculation of the beam intensity and the automatic acquisition of the beam contour for future beam replication. Moreover, a relational database is used to store all the machine and beamlines parameters every day for each experiment.  
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