Author: Glöckner, F.
Paper Title Page
MOCOXBS04 The Berlin Energy Recovery Linac Project BERLinPro - Status, Plans and Future Opportunities 8
  • M. Abo-Bakr, N. Al-Saokal, W. Anders, Y. Bergmann, K. Bürkmann-Gehrlein, A. Bundels, A.B. Büchel, P. Echevarria, A. Frahm, H.-W. Glock, F. Glöckner, F. Göbel, S. Heling, J.G. Hwang, A. Jankowiak, C. Kalus, T. Kamps, G. Klemz, J. Knobloch, J. Kolbe, J. Kühn, B.C. Kuske, J. Kuszynski, A.N. Matveenko, M. McAteer, A. Meseck, S. Mistry, R. Müller, A. Neumann, N. Ohm, K. Ott, F. Pflocksch, L. Pichl, J. Rahn, O. Schüler, M. Schuster, Y. Tamashevich, J. Ullrich, A. Ushakov, J. Völker
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  • H. Huck
    DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen, Germany
  Funding: Work supported by the German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Land Berlin and grants of Helmholtz Association
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin is constructing the Energy Recovery Linac Prototype BERLinPro, a SRF based demonstration facility for the science and technology of ERLs for future high power, high brilliance electron beam applications. BERLinPro was designed to accelerate a high current (100 mA, 50 MeV), high brilliance (norm. emittance below 1 mm mrad) cw electron beam. Given the recent prioritization of the BESSY II upgrade to the BESSY VSR variable pulse length storage ring, HZB is forced to reduce the project goals of BERLinPro. As a result, the project had to be rescoped with the goal to maximize its scientific impact within the present boundary conditions. We report on the last year’s progress of the building, the warm and cold infrastructure and on the time line, goals nd opportunities for the remaining project run time.
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About • paper received ※ 16 September 2019       paper accepted ※ 06 November 2019       issue date ※ 24 June 2020  
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