Author: Durand, T.
Paper Title Page
TUP006 The Injection and Chopper-Based System at Arronax C70XP Cyclotron 159
  • F. Poirier, F. Bulteau-harel, T. Durand, X. Goiziou, C. Koumeir, A. Sengar, H. Trichet
    Cyclotron ARRONAX, Saint-Herblain, France
  • G. Blain, M. Fattahi, F. Haddad, J. Vandenborre
    SUBATECH, Nantes, France
  • S. Chiavassa, G. Delpon
    ICO, Saint - Herblain, France
  • F. Poirier
    CNRS - DR17, RENNES, France
  Funding: This work has been, in part, supported by grants from the French National Agency for Research, Arronax-Plus n°ANR-11-EQPX-0004, IRON n°ANR-11-LABX-18-01 and Next n°ANR-16-IDEX-0007.
The multi-particle cyclotron of the Arronax Public Interest Group (GIP) is used to perform irradiation up to hundreds of µA on various experiments and targets. To support low and high average intensity usage and adapt the beam time structure required for high peak intensity operation and experiments such as pulsed experiments studies, it has been devised a pulsing system in the injection of the cyclotron. This system combines the use of a chopper, low frequency switch, and a control system based on the new extended EPICS network. This paper details the pulsing system adopted at Arronax, updates and results for various intensity experimental studies performed with alpha and proton beams. Updated work on the simulation of the injection is also shown, specifically towards high intensity future irradiation.
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About • paper received ※ 15 September 2019       paper accepted ※ 25 September 2019       issue date ※ 20 June 2020  
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